
A Chance Encounter

Looking out my apartment window, I see two women standing with their bikes on the sidewalk. They're deeply immersed in a wide-ranging conversation. Other people pass by, but the women don't seem to notice or care. Their attention is fully on each other. One of the women's bike headlights is on, even though it’s nearly noon and there’s no real need for it.

Minutes pass, and the women remain there, still enjoying their conversation. It reminds me of what Cal Newport calls "Deep Work"—focused, uninterrupted time dedicated to a single task. Whether these women planned this moment beforehand or just happened to meet by chance, I can't say. But standing on that sidewalk, it's probably a random encounter above anything else.

When you're open to life's randomness, you begin to notice how often these chance moments pop up. A casual conversation with a stranger could lead to your next job. The person you meet while traveling might become your partner in life. Sometimes, reflecting on a moment can provide the clarity you've been searching for, opening up new paths you never considered.

Life is strange like that.

The women have parted, but I didn’t notice. I was too focused on writing this text, and I missed their departure. They’ve gone on with their lives, each heading their own way.

I’ll go on with mine.