
A Message to the Graduating Class

Let me say a few words to all those who've graduated this year.

First, of course, congratulations. The diploma you hold in your hands right now is the result of all the hard work you've put into your studies over the last few years. Do you remember those late nights, sweating in front of your computer screen with the deadline approaching fast? Yeah, we've all been there, and now that it's done, we can laugh about it together.

I know that we, the teachers, might have been an annoying force to deal with sometimes. Every time you thought the work you submitted was skyrocketing, we were the ones who brought you back down to earth. Sorry about that. Just know that we did not do it just to tease you. We did it because we know that these kinds of disappointments will be thrown at you in life, time and time again. We let you fail in a safe environment to prepare you for what's to come in the real world. You might just thank us later. Not tomorrow, maybe not even next year, but someday in the future, you'll think back to your time at school and appreciate the chance you got to learn and fail without consequence.

And about learning, let me leave you with a final note. Your learning did not end here, at the start of your degree. It only just begun. The way to stay ahead of the pack is to keep investing in learning. Luckily, you've got the basics of learning down by now, and you'll benefit from those strategies for the rest of your life. You now know how to do it; please just remember to take the time for it as well.

Again, congratulations. Today makes it all worth it.
