
Don't Judge a Business by Its Email Address

I recently read a post that triggered me a bit:

Strange. So people might not take a business seriously if it uses a Gmail address? They might think the business is a scam or cannot provide good value because they didn't even take the time to create an email address that matches their domain?

Does an email address from a free provider really put you off?

I feel the same way about professional dress codes. Some people think that if you don't suit up properly for a meeting with a client, your professionalism is questioned. Really? Does the way I dress say something about the quality of my work? Do you actually judge a book by its cover?

Judging someone by their email address is the same thing, but in the digital world. Let's not do that. Instead, let's value businesses and people for what they do and how they act. That feels so much better.

PS. Nothing personal, of course. Just got triggered. And that probably says way more about myself than about anyone else.

PPS. Yes, sometimes you should be very wary of an email address. It could be spam, you know. Stay safe on the web.