
Heptathlon 8

Seven notes on what's keeping me busy this week. One for each day.

  1. Back in 2021, I discovered the music of Moa Lignell, a singer-songwriter from Sweden. I listened to a few of her songs and added some to my Discoveries playlist for that year. When new artists catch my attention, it's usually because of the melodies. I love listening to music during train journeys or bike rides, so I need music that lets me drift away on good vibes without focusing on the lyrics right away. The same is true for Moa's song Born to Be. After a few listens, I discovered that its lyrics are very powerful. They are an anthem for following your feelings and dreams:

    My head is bigger than my heart tonight
    Need to find another light
    To get up in the morning
    And hit the day like it was meant for me
    Be the one I'm born to be
    Light up every corner

  2. When you go to the hairdresser, do you enjoy having lively conversations, or would you appreciate total silence? I can usually manage the small talk, but there is one time of the year where things become increasingly difficult: the summer holidays. Yes, I know (roughly) when and where I'm going on holiday, but I have no wish to tell you all about it. I mean, I know where I'm going, but other than that, I have no clue what I'll do there. For me, that's the magic of a holiday. Not too much planning, just going with the flow. Yes, I'll probably go on a few hikes and bike rides. No, I'm not going to lie on the sand of a beach or near a lake all day. This is the time of year when I wish there was such a thing as a Silent Hairdresser.

  3. I know I will never reach the level of professional athletes – and I’m content with that. I have a general idea of what it would take and the sacrifices I would need to make to come even close to that level of performance. All my hours would be filled with training. I have way too many other things to do instead. Yet, we are all professionals in our own areas. We have all become comfortable with the struggle of our own challenges. In our own way and on our own path to glory, we should be proud of how far we’ve come.

  4. Let's be honest: most of the time, watching cycling in the Tour de France can be quite boring. Apart from exciting sprints and challenging mountain climbs, not much happens during a multi-hour long broadcast. You're only watching in the hopes of catching the epic moments live. There is a parallel between cycling and daily life. In your everyday activities, you don't always need to be at your best, but you need to be prepared for the important moments. You have to know how to pick the battles that lead to victory and let go of the ones that don't matter as much.

  5. Apparently, there is a new Lion King movie that will release later this year. It's called Mufasa: The Lion King and tells the story of Simba's dad. I didn't know about this movie until I scrolled past its trailer. The Lion King movies are part of my childhood - I've watched the first two parts more often than I can count. The danger of new installments in classic series like this is that they can only be disappointing. Especially since this new movie seems to be live-action, like the 2019 remake of the original. The Mufasa trailer certainly did not blow me away. But yeah, it's the Lion King, so I'll probably watch it when it releases.

  6. There are many blogrolls on the web: places where people share links to each other’s blogs. As a matter of fact, I have one on my own website as well. As I'm blogging on the Bear platform, the new blogroll A Blog Directory recently got my attention. There are currently 108 blogs listed, which makes this directory a pleasure to scroll through. Highly recommended!

  7. Finally, I spent some time this weekend updating my website. After a lot of tinkering with it over the last few months, the homepage had become quite cluttered. Nothing too messy, but it could be more minimalistic and simple, in my opinion. The new design - which is now live - features my latest blog post on the front page. As blogging is all about the posts you write, I thought this would highlight them in the best possible way. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your view!

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