
Pre-Race Nerves

It started on the morning of a running competition. No matter the distance, as a kid, I could feel the tension rise in my body the moment I woke up. As the race start time got closer, that tension only grew stronger. Ten more minutes. Five. Four… BANG! The sound of a gun signaled the start of the race, and all the built-up tension instantly disappeared.

Back then, I believed that pre-race nerves were something you'd outgrow. I thought once I became an adult, I'd handle races like a pro, without ever feeling tense again.

Well, as you can guess, I was wrong.

Over the years, I’ve realized that tension is just part of the game. I might be better at handling it now, learning to accept that it's always been there and always will be. I’ve also come to understand that one race result doesn’t define the rest of my life. I’ve learned to put things in perspective.

But still, feeling tense before an important event you’ve prepared for, where you want to perform well—that kind of tension is a constant in life. It never really goes away. And I’ve come to understand it serves a purpose. The adrenaline that comes with it helps put you on high alert, giving you that extra push toward setting new personal records.

Accepting tension isn’t always easy. But when you can zoom out and understand why it exists, you begin to see it as a motivator, driving you toward your best.