
The Invisible Wall

There's a strange moment in running races that happens around 80 percent of the way in.

Some call it the Invisible Wall. Others call it the Breaking Barrier. No matter the distance, it's at this stage where you face an important decision. There are roughly two choices.

Either you accept defeat, acknowledging that the wall is too high and impenetrable. You recognize there is pain and suffering ahead, much more than you've managed to ignore up to now. Then you slow down.

Or, you resist defeat. You are certain that no wall is too high or unbreakable. You've trained for this, and there is no way you are going to give up so close to glory. Then you speed up.

It's this moment that defines the good from the greatest. It's where everyone's aching muscles are burning the same way. It's where only those who live by the motto "pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever" know how to continue on the road to prestige.

What path do you choose?