
The Silent Hairdresser

I usually don't really mind going to the hairdresser. Sure, it's a necessary evil, but with my hairstyle and needs, a visit only takes about 20 minutes. Not that bad, I can just manage to survive the mandatory small talk for that long.

However, there's one time of year when I dread these minutes the most: just before the summer holidays. Without even saying it out loud, you probably already know what question I have to answer. Ever. Single. Time.

Yes, I do know (roughly) when and where I'm going on holiday, but I have absolutely no wish of telling you all about it. I mean, I know where I'm going, but other than that, I don't have a clue what I'll do there. For me, that's the magic and casual way of spending my holiday. Not too much planning, just go with the flow. Yes, I'll probably go on a few hikes and bike rides. No, I'm not going to lie on the sand of a beach or near a lake all day. Of course not, who actually does that?

This is the time of year when I wish there was such a thing as a Silent Hairdresser. Someone you tell what you want, and then they just cut your hair. Or better yet, show a photo of your previous self with the desired hairstyle. No talking, just peaceful silence. The thought of this already gives me a dreamy feeling. Talk about a market gap.

And no, I also don't want any coffee. I'm here to get my hair cut and then leave as soon as possible. And besides, how am I supposed to drink it with my hands under a cloak anyway?

The image is a black-and-white cartoon-style drawing of a person sitting in a hairdresser's chair. The hairdresser is silently cutting their hair. Both the person and the hairdresser have neutral expressions, emphasizing the quiet atmosphere. The person in the chair appears thoughtful, with a dreamy look on their face, imagining a peaceful, quiet environment. The background includes typical salon elements like mirrors and shelves with hair products, drawn in a simple and minimalist style. The overall feel is calm and serene, reflecting the idea of a Silent Hairdresser.