
Your Own Unique Path to Glory

Scrolling through my Twitter timeline, I came across a tweet about the upcoming Olympic Games:

A tweet from Kelsey McKinney about athletes performing at the Olympics and how good these people are compared to the average person.

There’s a lot of truth in this statement. Last year, I attended a big national athletics event live. Being an athlete myself, I can confirm how crazy the times of these athletes are. Seeing the amazing speed of these professional athletes with my own eyes shows how totally out of this world their performances are

I know I will never get to that level of physical achievement – and I’m content with that. I have a general idea of what it would take and the sacrifices I would need to make to come even close to that level of performance. All my hours would be filled with training.

I have way too many other things to do instead.

Yet, we are all professionals in our own area. We have all become comfortable with the struggle of our own challenges. I bet none (or very few) of those professional athletes are as good as I am at software development or teaching. That’s no brag, it just shows how differently those athletes and I have spent the time that was given to us.

In our own way and on our own path to glory, we should be proud of how far we’ve come.
